Master Of Computer Applications

Mr. M. E. Palanivel

Faculty ID/ AICTE ID 00MCAF0002/1-5341478317
Name of the faculty M.E.PALANIVEL
Date of Joining the Institution 08-09-2000
Date of Birth 15-07-1976
SpecializationData Warehousing and Data Mining,  Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep
Learning,  Data Science, Information Retrieval
Phone Number9440056712
QualificationM.Sc., M. Phil., M.E., (Ph.D)
Total Experience in Years24 Years
Papers Published in Journals10
Papers Presented in Conferences National-13, International-21
Professional Membership Life Member in Computer Society of India (CSI), Life member in ISTE,
Member in ACM, IAENG
Awards/Achievements/Any other information (if any)

 1. Certification for Appreciation for being recognized as NPTEL Aspirant Award at IIT Madras, on April 2024.

2. Certification of Appreciation for being recognized as Discipline Star in
Computer Science Engineering through IIT Madras, on April 2023.

3. Certification of Appreciation for being recognized as Domain
Certification in Data Science by IITMadras, through NPTEL on October

4. Certification of Appreciation for being recognized as NPTEL EVANGELIST on December 2022.

5. Certification of Appreciation for being recognized as NPTEL DISCIPLINE STAR in Computer Science and Engineering on April 2021.

6. Certification of Appreciation for being recognized as NPTEL BELIVER on December 2021.

7. Certification of Appreciation for being recognized as NPTEL ENTHUSIAST on December 2021.

8. Certification of Appreciation for being recognized as NPTEL ACTIVE SPOC on December 2022 & JUNE 2023.

9.Best paper award for the paper title “Translating Multi Language code to Python code with Stelcoder: A Decoder only approach ”, in International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering and Sciences, Organized by SITAMS, on 24-05-2024 & 25-05-2024.

10. Best paper award for the paper title “A Novel ,Model for Story Visualization using NLP and Deep Learning”, in International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering and Sciences, Organized by SITAMS, on 24-05-2024 & 25-05-2024.

11. Best paper award for the paper title “A Novel Model for Text Summarization with Pegasus  and Flask”, in International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering and Sciences, Organized by SITAMS, on 24-05-2024 & 25-05-2024.

12. Best paper award for the paper title “Combining Clinical and Imaging Features for Accurate stroke Prediction using Machine Learning”, in International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Engineering and Sciences, Organized by SITAMS, on 12-04-2023 & 13-04-2023.