Master Of Computer Applications

Ms. R. Padmaja

Faculty ID/ AICTE ID 06MCAF0018/ 1-5341478311
Name of the facultyMs. R. Padmaja
Date of Joining the Institution14-07-2006
DesignationAssistant Professor
Department MCA
Date of Birth 29-01-1973
SpecializationProgramming Languages like Java, Python, Linux, Web Programming,  Database Management systems like Oracle, MySQL, Big Data Analytics, Software Testing, Deep Learning
QualificationMCA, M.Phil ,M.Tech., (Ph.D)
Total Experience in Years 18 years
Papers Published in Journals International-2
Papers Presented in Conferences National-8, International-18
Professional Membership LIFE MEMBER OF CSI, IAENG
Awards/Achievements/Any other information (if any)

Received Academic Excellence Certificate.
Received 2 Best Paper awards in International Conference.

Completed AICTE-SPICES funded Project.

Elsevier Reviewer.